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Mr. C. G.H. Lloyd presented a series of skins of Tasmanian mammals, which unfortunately however, arrived in the Department in very bad order.

[[underlined]] Aquatic Mammals [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Seals [[/underlined]]. Only a small number of seals were added to the collection. Chief among these are the Californian Sea-lion and Sea-elephants collected by Mr. Chas. H. Townsend on the coast of California. A young Otary, [[underlined]] O. jubata [[/underlined]], from the coast of Peru, was received from Dr. Wm H. Jones, U.S.N.

[[underlined]] Cetaceans [[/underlined]]. The most important cetacean, received during this period was a Spotted dolphin from Pensacola, Fla., believed to be identical with Gray's [[underlined]] Prodelphinus doris [[/underlined]] which was obtained for the Institution by Messrs. Warren & Co., fish dealers of Pensacola. An account of this valuable specimen will be found in the report for 1884. p.  .-

A second specimen of the Pygmy Sperm whale, [[underlined]] Kogia breviceps [[/underlined]], a male, was received through Mr. J.J.?R. Hobbs, keeper of Kitty Hawk life-saving station, N.C. [[strikethrough]] Other [[/strikethrough]] The [[strikethrough]] head [[/strikethrough]] skull of one of four Atlantic Right whales, [[underlined]] B. eisarctica [[/underlined]], captured

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names. Confirmed JR Hobbs here: