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[[underlined]] II. Routine Work [[/underlined]].

[[underlined]] Changes in the exhibition-hall. [[/underlined]]

A statement of the size and character of the exhibit sent to New Orleans will be found in a previous report (Museum Report, 1884. p. .)- Work upon this series was not finished before Jan. 1. 1885, and specimens were withdrawn from rather than added to the permanent exhibition-series. To [[strikethrough]] hide [[/strikethrough]] render the collection still attractive to the visiting public in spite of its deficiencies, a partial re-arrangement was made early in the year.

Meanwhile the work of mounting new specimens was vigorously pushed forward by the Chief taxidermist and his assistants. Before May thirty-three new specimens were added to the series, including a Siberian sheep, a baboon, and several other large forms.

Finding that printed labels could not be gotten ready for a considerable time