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[[embossed oval of building]]


of the Russian Telegraph Company, and the exploration [[strikethrough]]ca[[/strikethrough]] subsequently carried out by Messrs. Dael ^[[and Birchoff.]][[strikethrough]]at his own expense.[[/strikethrough]] 

In 1867 [[strikethrough]]the first[[/strikethrough]] ^[[two]] of the great geological surveys was inaugurated, - that of the 40th parallel, under Mr. King, and that of Nebraska, under Dr. Hayden, - from both ^[[of which]] [[strikethrough]]many[[/strikethrough]] ^[[much]] acceptable mammalian material was received, [[strikethrough]]both[[/strikethrough]] during the remainder of the decade, and also at a later date.

During the whole period private collectors both in this country and in Mexico and other regions were as active as in former [[strikethrough]]I[[/strikethrough]] years and their generous donations aided in no small way [[strikethrough]]to[[/strikethrough]] in [[strikethrough]]filling up[[/strikethrough]] strengthening the weak [[strikethrough]]points[[/strikethrough]] parts of the collection.

[[strikethrough]]Although it[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Few specimens of mammals foreign to America were received at this time, but as will be observed from the subjoined table there were fewer