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[[embossed image of flying bird]]


In Central American the collectors who had been so successful in previous years continued their labors, especially in Tehuantepec and Costa Rica.

Of non-American mammals the museum received considerable numbers from the Royal Vienna Academy and the Royal College of Surgeons, London ^[[and in 1876, from the Commissioners of various foreign countries at the Centennial Exhibits.]]  It was during this time also that some of the ^[[proprietors of some of the]] prominent zoological gardens and menageries in this country, began to send to the Institution the animals which died in confinement in their establishments.  Many large and important exotic species have been received in this way, and the contributions of this character are happily on the increase.

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The total number of skins added during the decade was 3488, and of skeletons and skulls 1800.  The localities from which they were received are indicated in the following table