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[[underline]] pallidus [[/underline]]" were purchased from Mr. Stephens.  [[underline]] Neotoma[[/underline]] Bryanti is not in the collection.  [[underline]] Vespertilio ciliolabrum [[/underline]] is represented by several specimens, but of [[underline]] V longicrus [[/underline]] only the type No., 15623, is known.

[[triple underline]] Notes on important Accessions.[[/triple underline]]

The accessions of the past year compare favorable in point of interest with those of former periods.  The sources from which they have been derived have been unusually varied.

The amount of material received from the different Bureaus of the Government has not been so great as in some previous years, while the number of private contributions has increased.  For the first time in

Transcription Notes:
I had some difficulty with the Latin names on this page.