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in the Summer of 1886 found the Bison in poor condition and made no attempt to secure a series.  They brought back a living Bison calf, which, however, survived but a few weeks.

Two collections of Mammals from Southern California purchased from Mr. F. Stephens of San Bernardino, Cal., contain excellent specimens of numerous species occurring in that region in which the Museum collections were previously deficient.  Among these may be mentioned the Round-tailed Spermophile, [[underline]] Spermophilus tereticaudus [[/underline]], Anthony's Field Mouse, [[underline]] Hesperomys Anthonyi [[/underline]], and the Desert Pocket-rat, [[underline]] Dipodomys deserti [[/underline]], of which the describer (Mr. Stephens) had previously presented the type to the Museum.

The mammals collected by