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the so-called "Devil," [[underline]] Dasyurus ursinus [[/underline]].  Specimens of the two species mentioned were also received from the authorities of the Australian Museum and have been mounted.

As in former years the Philadelphia Zoological Society (through Mr. A.E. Brown) has presented to the Museum a number of valuable mammals which died in the Gardens.  The following species deserve special mention: [[underline]] Capra ibex [[/underline]] [[symbol for male]], [[underline]] Hystrix cristata [[/underline]], [[underline]] Herpestes widdingtoni [[/underline]], [[underline]] Cercopithecus diana [[/underline]] and [[underline]] C. sabaeus.[[/underline]]

Dr. W.A. Conklin, Director of the Central Park Menagerie presented a Tiger cub and Messrs. Barton and Logan of Washington, a specimen of [[underline]] Ateles arachnoides [[/underline]].

[[double underline]]Aquatic Mammals[[/double underline]].

[[underline]] Seals [[/underline]].  The most interesting representative of this order received during the year is