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of wapiti antlers in the "orloct". Not less interesting and valuable were two specimens of the striped Dolphin Lagenorhynchus [[underlined]] acutus [[/underlined]]which were presented by the U.S. Fish Commission. They were attained by the officers of the commission's schooner [[underlined]]Grampus [[/underlined]] south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. A fine Mountain Goat skin was purchased from Mr. E.C. Babcock. 

[[underlined]] Central America. [[/underlined]] The only important Collection from this region was the considerable one made by Mr. Charles H. Townsend in the vicinity of the Segovia river, Honduras. This included a valuable series of specimens of an undescribed deer, which hassimple antlers like the species of the subgenus [[underlined]] Poassus [[/underlined]]but which, nevertheless, appears to belong to the subgenus [[underlined]] Cariacus [[/underlined]]. Prof. Alfred