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this individual shall be included in the group of moose now in course of preparation. A small male deer, delivered to be [[underline]] Cariacus gymnotus [[/underline]] was presented by the Philadelphia Zoological Society , through Dr. A. E. Brown. This is the third individual of this species received from the Society.
    Of exotic mammals the most important so far as the exhibition series is concerned were the monkeys and lemurs, twenty nine in number, purchased from Messrs. H.A. Ward, E. Gerard and Dr. J. Büttikoper.  The species were all new to the collection.  Among the lemurs were several of the most important and most attractive species of [[underline]] Cropithecue [[?]] [[/underline]] A considerable collection of European bats, [[underline]] Vesperugo kuhlie, [[?]] [[/underline]]  [[underline Vespertilio natterari, [[?]] [[/underline]] etc. were received in exchange from Dr. Sonia Angelo.

From the Royal Zoological Museum, Florence, were received in exchange a skin of [[underline]] One musimon,[[?]] [[/underline]] a skelton of [[underline]] Monachue albiventer[[?]] [[/underline]] and a number of European bats.