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^[[F. W. True.]]


[[double underline]]Bibliography.[[/double underline]]

Frederick W. True. - Description of [[underline]]Geomys personatus[[/underline]] and [[underline]]Dipodomys compactus[[/underline]], two new species of Rodents from Padre Island, Texas.
[[underline]]Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.[[/underline]], _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , pp. 159-160.

Frederick W. True. - Guide to a Collection illustrating the Families of Mammals, exhibited in the Ohio Valley Centennial Exposition in 1888 by the U. S. National Museum.
[[underline]]Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.[[/underline]], XI, appendix no 48, pp. 1-26.