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the Report of last year, by another of almost equal interest and importance. These are the first African collections of any magnitude which the Museum has received, and Dr. Abbott's generosity in presenting them is very highly appreciated. In addition to the species mentioned in last year's Report, the second collection contains specimens ^[[of]] the River Hog, [[^underline]]Potamochoerus[[/underline]] sp.; the Ichneumons, [[^underline]]Herpestes caffer[[/underline]] and [[^underline]]H. galera[[/underline]]; a Pygmy Antelope, [[^underline]]Nanotragus moschatus[[/underline]]; and the rare Bat, [[^underline]]Megaderma cor[[/underline]]. The collection contains in all 76 specimens, a part of which are preserved in alcohol. In addition, Dr. Abbott presented the skins of 5 Lemurs from Madagascar, and one Bat from the Seychelles I^[[slan]]ds.

A specimen of Kelaart's Monkey, [[^underline]]Semnopithecus kelaarti[[/underline]], was purchased. One important Fruit Bat, the type of [[^underline]]Pteropus lanigera[[/underline]] H. Allen, was likewise purchased.

A series of 21 Madagascar Insectivores, preserved in alcohol, including a specimen of [[^underline]]Oryzorictes[[underline]], was obtained from Fr. Sikora. The collection contained also a specimen of a species of [[^underline]]Nesomys[[underline]].