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Prof. Miles Rock presented two Silky Anteaters, [[^underline]]Cycloturus[[/underline]], from Livingstone, Guatemala. A specimen of the Hairy-nosed Wombat, [[^underline]]Phascolomys latifrons[[/underline]], was purchased.

Among American mammals, the most interesting accession of the year was, perhaps, an adult male Walrus from Walrus, Id., Be^[[h]]ring Sea, obtained by Capt. W. C. Coulson of the U. S. Revenue Marine. It is a fine, large skin of this remarkable but rapidly-disappearing animal.

Mr. Wm. Palmer, of the Museum, was detailed to collect material in the Pribyloff Islands, Bering Sea, and on the adjacent mainland of Alaska. He obtained the skin of a large Steller's Sea-lion, [[^underline]]Eumetopias stelleri[[/underline]], from Walrus Id., a number of Fur Seals, and many specimens of Marmots, Shrews and Artic Foxes.

Dr. W. L. Ralph, of Utica, N. Y., presented a mounted skin of a gray Florida Wolf. The Wolf is believed to be nearly extinct in that State.   Two pairs of Elk antlers interlocked were deposited by the Hon. Clinton L. Merriam, of Locust Grove, N. Y. Interlock-