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exhibition-hall during the year.   Most important of these is a group of East African Guereza Monkeys ([[^underline]]Colobus caudatus[[/underline]]), which was constructed from skins collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott, in Mt. Kilim-njaro. The Monkeys are represented as standing on the limb of a large tree, which hangs from the top of the case. This species of Monkey is,perhaps, the most striking and handsomest known. The group was constructed by Mr. F. S. Webster.

The group of Prong-horn Antelopes, [[^underline]]Antilocapra americana[[/underline]], which was withdrawn for enlargement, was completed and installed in its special case. This case had been occupied temporarily by the group of Proboscis Monkeys, mentioned in last year's Report, and as no permanent case has been provided, it was found necessary to put it into one of the wall-cases (quite out of its proper place), so that it can now scarcely be said to be on exhibition. The third group completed during the year is also without a case, and could not be so placed as to be seen properly. This is a group of Borneo Gibbons. The specimens were obtained by Mr. C. F. Adams, who also constructed the group.