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[[strikethrough ]]2[[/strikethrough]]

malogists [[strikethrough]] Each specimen bears a number corresponding to a number in this guide.[[/strikethrough]]

We will first begin with the highest order, the order [[double-underline]]Primates[[/double-underline]] which includes man, the apes, monkeys, lemurs and marmosets and [[strikethrough]]is [[/strikethrough]] represented in this case by ^[[ [[circled]]1[[/circled]] ]] the [[double-underline]]Chimpanzee[[/double-underline]] ([[underline]] (Anthropopithecus niger) [[/underline]]) [[strikethrough]],[[/strikethrough]] which is structurally next to man, ^[[ [[circled]]2[[/circled]] ]] the [[double-underline]]Gibbon[[/double-underline]] [[underline]] (Hylobates concolor) [[/underline]] of Southeastern Asia, ^[[ [[circled]]3[[/circled]] ]] [[strikethrough]]the[[/strikethrough]] [[double-underline]]Rüppell's Monkey[[/double-underline]] [[underline]] (Colobas guereza) [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]]whose[[/strikethrough]] the skins [[strikethrough]]are[[/strikethrough]] of which are largely used in the manufacture of ladies muffs, ^[[ [[circled]]4[[/circled]] ]] the [[strikethrough]]Sow[[/strikethrough]] [[double-underline]] Slow Lemur [[/double-underline]] [[underline]] (Loris tardigradus)[[/underline]] [[strikethrough]]and [[circled]]5[[/circled]] the[[/strikethrough]] and [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] the [[double-underline]]white Indris[[/double-underline]] or [[double-underline]]Lemur[[/double-underline]] [[underline]] (Propithecus deckenii)
 [[/underline]], an inhabitant

Transcription Notes:
The first paragraph appears to have been crossed out with blue pencil, which was in turn erased, leaving the text as it was originally written. I transcribed without the cross-out or erasure.