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[[underline]] 4 [[/underline]]

feet [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] across extended wings.

Our next order is the [[double underline]] Insectivora [[/double underline]] which includes the moles, shrews, etc., and is represented by [[circled]]9[[/circled]] [[strikethrough]] Te [[/strikethrough]] the [[double underline]] Tenrec [[/double underline]] ([[underline]]Centetes ecaudatus[[/underline]]) [[strikethrough]]of Madagascar & that and[[/strikethrough]] ^[[which]] lives chiefly on earthworms, [[circled]]10[[/circled]] the [[double underline]] Hedgehog [[/double underline]] ([[underline]]Erinaceus europae[[dipthong symbol over ae]]us[[/underline]]), [[circled]]11[[/circled]] the [[double underline]] Elephant Shrew [[/double underline]] ([[underline]]Rhynchocyon cirnei)[[/underline]] and the ^[[ [[circled]]12[[/circled]] ]] the [[double underline]] Flying Lemur [[/double underline]] or [[double underline]] Colugo [[/double underline]] ([[underline]]Galeopithecus volans[[/underline]]), which has the power of floating considerable [[strikethrough]] differ [[/strikethrough]] distances through the air on account of an extension of the skin between the ^[[fore & hind]] legs and the ^[[hind]] legs and tail. In this last respect it differs from the [[double-underline but then not double-underlined by strikethrough]] Flying Squirrel [[/double-underline but then not double-underlined by strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] [[circled]]28[[/circled]] [[/strikethrough]] which only has the skin extension between the fore and