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[[double-underline]]Coyote[[/double-underline]], or [[double-underline]]Prairie Wolf[[/double-underline]], a group of which is shown in another part of the hall, [[circled]]18[[/circled]] [[double-underline]]Aard-Wolf[[double-underline]] ([[underline]]Proteles cristatus[[/underline]]) which feeds chiefly on decomposing animal substances and "has neither the inclination or power to attack or feed upon living vertebrated animals" in which it closely resembles the Hyaena, at it does in appearance, [[circled]]19[[/circled]] [[double-underline]]Ichneumon or Mungoose[[/double-underline]] ([[underline]]Herpestes griseus[[/underline]]) which is so noted for its wonderful snake-killing properties [[circled]]20[[/circled]] [[double-underline]]Hardwick's Cat[[/double-underline]] ([[underline]]Hemigalea hardwickii[[/underline]]) of Borneo & Malacca and [[circled]]21[[/circled]] the [[double-underline]]Guiana Cat[[/double-underline]] ([[underline]]Felis colocolo[[/underline]]) of South America.

The gnawers or [[double-underline]]Rodentia[[/double-underline]] is represented