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trip pleasant. Most of us rode in the observation car.  The day broke clear & warm but by 10 a.m it was clouded already altho it did not rain.  From Gotemba station we saw Fiujiyama several times thru the clouds.  Only the summit could be seen, the lower part was obscured in clouds.  The summit had a few streaks of snow in gulches but no snow cap. It was however very steep sided and lofty. The country thru which we travelled was highly cultivated & populated. The valleys were all leveled & cut into flooded rice fields.  [[crossout]]The [[/crossout]] Much of the country was mountainous & dissected into sharp hills but all were covered by dense vegetation, either cultivated or forested by Japanese pines.  In places the hillslopes were set to tea plants, with compact dense

Transcription Notes:
Writes ?Fiujiyama for Fujiyama