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July -
1) Stopped raining about 9A.M. walked to the Imperial Park & along the river near the hotel. Left at 2 P.M. with the Sweetzers, Hedges, Day & Dr. of the ship. Took 2:47 train for Kobe. Country highly cultivated, chiefly rice fields in which as many women were working as men. Saw no cattle or horses. Crossed several wide rivers swollen by muddy water due to last night's rain. The floods are short & quick, yesterday the rivers were clear. The great number of streams is remarkable here. Passed thru the large city of Osaka 1,000,000 people, at 3:30. Many [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] factories & much smoke seen here. Reached Kobe at 4:50. The Dr. took us to the falls above the town &