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hired 2 sedan chairs & rode along with the porters the 6 miles to Longton where we arrived at 9:30. The country we passed thru was chiefly rice fields.

About the River village were fields of millet, taro beans & other vegetables. On the roadside grew geravas, pummilos, londii, ash trees, yellow bullets (prongdang) a round grapefruit, candle trees which have leaves & bark like our cottonwoods. At Longton we found Andrews had moved over to Juntsing so we had to engage another lot of porters l of this took until noon as the other porters refused to go further. At noon we left Longton & climbed out of the valley & dropped down to Juntsing.

The trip over the pass was hot but the roadside was very interesting. bushes of various sorts grew along the roadside. Ferns briefly polypodium were very abundant. a rosebush with white flowers was abundant. Sword