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Spent the day on the boat correcting Peruvian M.S. The trip down was rather disagreeable at night owing to the rolling of the boat. A man seasick owing to bad physical condition generally, got away from Amoy at 4 P.M.
[[encircled]]12 [[/encircled]] Reached Swatow at mid night. Sea rolling giving the vessel much motion which disturbed our sleep. We all went ashore at 7A.M. & took breakfast at the Astor Hotel. Afterward we went shopping for drawn work + embroidery, for which Swatow is noted.
The best linen is made in Canton but the work of embroidery + drawn work  is superior at Swatow. The best place was in a Chinese home where several Chinese women do embroidery, etc. to order. They understand English but do not speak it so business is difficult with them. Another place was owned by a Malay woman, Mrs Fern.