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Reached Yi-Liang station at 2 P.M.  The valley is a large level one filled by ripening rice fields & bounded by low hills.  The city sets on a hill a little distance off surrounded by a high wall & with pagodas in the center.  Altitude here 5300 feet.  Sun hot at noon & reflection bothersome but heat dry.  In places I saw fields of tobacco & racks of drying leaves near some of the houses.  A long cockcomb plant was seen in blossom in fields, evidently a crop of some sort.  Sun-flowers also form one of the crops here.  Pine trees planted in rows on the hills in some places.  This valley is the granary of Yunnan.  Herd of caribou & pack mules seen in fields. In hillsides were many graves, [[finished?]] by a gray slate slab only not of large size & elaborate like Foochow graves which are elaborate cement affairs.