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a few places.  The country is [[strikethrough]] decide [[/strikethrough]] rolling with small valleys & rather low rounded hills and small mountains.  The crows or rather ravens met with on the road are exceedingly tame evidently they are never molested.  You may pass within 20 feet of them on the roadside in fields or perched in trees.  The Yunnan Chinese are only stallion ponies to ride apparently never castrating them.  The mares are used only for breeding as far as we could make out.

[[note in right margin]] [[underlined]] Lao Wah Kwang [[/underlined]] [[/note in right margin]]

(11)  Last night we made camp in a school house at 6 P.M.  It was an old temple situated on top of the ridge overlooking a small valley.  About it was much bush & small trees so we set 20 rat traps but caught only one rat.  I saw a squirrel at the spring in the morning.  Broke camp at