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 Tali-fu. Last evening we dined at Mr. Hanna's house using our food & cook as Mrs. Hanna is on her way to Yunnan-fu.  We had Chinese cake which looked exactly like peanut brittle but made of flour coated with syrup only.  Hanna has been here 6 years but does not admire the Chinese apparently as they show no gratitude & hold themselves superior to Europeans.  They are neither moral or honest he has found.  All their talk & actions are on the surface their whole attempt being to conceal what they think or have done.  The presence of goiter here he attributes to the limestone mountains, the water apparently in some unknown way causing the swelling.  Flying squirrel skins are purchased here at $25.00 per 100 & the coats when made up are $20.00 each.  The skins are tanned in the spring when the weather is warm which produces soft tanning.  In cold weather the tanning is hard 

Transcription Notes:
I changed "one" to "our" in the 3rd line, but it's not very clear.--thomasc