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& brittle.  As Tali-fu is not a treaty  port no foreigner is allowed to do business here permanently.  A period of 6 weeks is placed on their residence & then they must depart.  Evans of the B.A.T. is only able to do trade thru a native agent.  Evans is the product of an English father, once consel, & a Chinese mother.  He was born at Honchou & educated at Hong-Kong.  His wife is a Chinese of Hawian birth.

(12) We were delayed today by the mafus who could not leave owing to two extra loads having been added which required 2 more pack animals.  Mr. Hanna took dinner with us again.  He has spent 15 years in Yun-nan & twice has travelled the Kwei-chou on his way into the country & out also.  He describes the scenery as beautiful, groves & cultivation as in Japan but no original forest or very high ranges.  He told us that only one European has reached the top of Tali range as no