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horse road runs hither only narrow man trails.  Wood cutters do not even ascend so high as the timber cannot be carried down the steep cliffs.  He describes the country at the summit as a heavy, virgin forest with heavy thickets of bamboo & bushes. The englishman who reached the top was lost for 3 days on his way down, the lake being invisible from the canyons where he went astray.  Earth-quakes Hanna says occur here annually, chiefly in [[may?]] but none are very severe.  The revolution against Yuan Shikan started in Yun-nan by the whole army which began operations by marching against Szechuan which was loyal to the government.  There was no fighting inside the province which rebelled in a body.   Last August the officials were caught with 60 cases of opium which they had smuggled into Shanghai on one of their visits.  The secretary & the military [[governor?]] Tang's brothers were in the party - there has been little fighting in 

Transcription Notes:
I changed "moment" to "summit" in the 6th line.--thomasc