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Yun-nan since the Mohamedan rebellion 30 years ago. Old house walls & vacant places are still evidence in Tali-fu of the former greater population here. Tali fell after the 2 [[?]], Shan Kuan (upper) & Hsiao Kuan (lower) were taken by the Chinese troops then the people in Tali were massacred without offering resistance.

[[circled]] 13 [[/circled]] The Mafus did not come until 9 AM to take the loads some did not get started until 11:30. Our loads numbered 26.  The beasts were mules & horses small & thin much inferior to our Li Chiang caravan. The day was partly cloudy, cold & windy.  Many people were met on the way, some with merchandise but chiefly wood caravans.  The only game we saw was a large flock of cranes in a rice field near Tali-fu.  We met a good many Tibetans with groups of women in brown & lamas in red travelling on foot in small