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the new gray mice constituted our catch.  The mtn. slope we ascended was pine covered (P. massoniana) with a good coating of dry grass & some rhododendron trees.  At the summit (8000 ft.) we took lunch in a open dry grassy meadow.  Opposite us was a heavy forest of a laurel like rhododendron tree of large size & compact habit.  Several trees of another species bearing large umbels of deep red flowers was seen, also a species with single rose pink flowers.  At night we made camp in a grove of pines on a dry ridge at sunset near a small spring, the only place with water we could find.  There was no evidence of rodents on the hard soil two traps were set.  Night clear but not cold.

[[circled]] 17 [[/circled]]  The route led down the ridge & along the Shun pi River & then crossed it.  The rock formation was everywhere hard red sandstone & the soil a purple red & very clayey & hard.  Day clear & warm.  The country is everywhere covered by a fine growth of dry