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rather rare. The citron is a common fruit growing on an orange like tree. The natives eat the white fleshy part which is of a sweetish taste. The central cells with juice are like a lemon in taste, & the thin yellow outer rind [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] has the fragrance of a lemon & is used here for flavoring puddings. Dried persimmons are a common market affair here. They are dried flat like figs & taste sweetish. The stewed pears are delicious & much like quinces in flavor but eaten raw they are not especially good. At various places on the road we met beggars, many were begging under the guise of of road-repairs & One beggar was seen picking pebbles the size of walnuts from a perfectly level wide street but others were cutting away the upper bank & helping travellers slightly at least. At 5 P.M. we reached the village of Sha-yung & made camp in an old field at one side