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[[header note]] This road is a fine example of what Davies refers to as "good for ten years & bad for a thousand". [[/header note]]

humane feeling for [[strikethrough]] pa [[/strikethrough]] beasts of burden. The camping place was near the village of [[strikethrough]] Hsien [[/strikethrough]] Ta-li-chai but as the soil was hard no mammal runways were to be found & no traps were set.
[[circled]] 21 [[/circled]] The summit here is 7600 feet by Davis map which is is very low for the Mekong-Salween divide which north of here is a solid wall covered by snow. This country is farmed & quite deforested. The rim above the Yung Chang valley is absolutely treeless. It is a series of brown grass clad hills exactly in [[strikethrough]] top pre [[/strikethrough]] general appearance like those surrounding San Fransisco near Berkeley & Oakland. The Yungchang valley is a broad long valley of rice fields with villages sprinkled about promiscuously. It is some 4 or 5 miles wide by 15 or 18 miles long & drains into the Salween. The day