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was bright but the valley smoky or hazy.  After tiffin we made a 3 hour march across the valley to Yung Chang which is situated on the west side at the base of the hills.  The city wall includes one of the hills & much of the country inside the long wall is rice fields & the hill pine forest.  On the road we met a few caravans of pack oxen with regular double tree Chinese pack saddles the first we have seen with such a rig.  One of the products seen on the road were lotus lily stems in dried bundles.  In the city were many dried ducks for sale.  Sugar cane, citrons peanuts, dried Lichis, walnuts, oranges, [[strikethrough]] etc [[/strikethrough]] & many grains, were seen.  The women here all have bound & very small feet like typical Chinese but are tribes people in features. Marco Polo passed thru Yung Chang (Vorsang as he calls it) He describes the place as inhabited by