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green slate, the common paving material here. There are three shrines or altars, one within the other. The outer has 2 gilded figures of large size set in a deep nitch, the [[strikethrough]] sec [[/strikethrough]] middle one two large statues in a hall & the innermost is a gorgeous affair showing Buddha seated on a lotus flower amid a snowy cavern with many small states in the folds & crevices. The white walls of the temple facing the courts are covered by mural painting showing birds, beast, moral scenes, fishermen, etc. New Year is really the beginning of Spring with the Chinese when winter is breaking & some of the early flowering trees are in blossom. It is also a debt paying time & above all an occasion to make social calls on all friends by a house to house canvas.
[[circled]] 24 [[/circled]] The few traps I set in the rice terraces caught two