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Pachyuras & a Micromys. The large temple pond which supplies most of the water is supplied by universe springs. At its head a great spring 12 feet wide bubbles up & immediately over this a temple has been erected. In the center of the pond is a stone platform of 2 steps & square in shape. A flock  of small grebes inhabit the lake & a few gallinules the edge. I shot 3 of the grebes & one gallinule. The pond is shallow & filled by water plants, a sort of coarse lava covering the bottom. Fish are numerous, a sort of trout & a few small gold fish. The muleteers here demaded [[sic]] at least $15.00 a month per pack mule as rent or 50 cents a day whether working or resting in camp. Horses are worth here $60.00 each as a purchase& mafus $8.00 each per month for wages. One mafu having charge of 5 pack beasts. The feed on the road is also to be reckoned 

Transcription Notes:
gallinule is the genus name for moorhens