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At dark we reached Meng-peng a village of some size in a rather large plain of rice terraces. The hillsides here are all without forest & are now grass covered, the grass recently burnt. It appears to be a poor game country [[strikethruogh]] of [[/strikethrough]] also unsuitable for small mammals. Doves were seen & a few francolins heard calling.
[[circled]] 17 [[/circled]]  The road after leaving Meng-peng passed up the valley & over a high ridge to the west & down into the Salween gorge. The road [[strikethrough]] here ran [[/strikethrough]] on the ridge ran between weathered gray limestone & brown grass country or ^[[small]] fields of wheat. The soil was brown or blackish & not red as usual. On the summit were alders & a few oaks & an occasional preserved grove of common pine.  A Chinese village partly down towards the Salween contained some