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very small woman, some only 3 feet tall but well or stocky in build. Two species of small primroses were seen on the way which had heads of pink blossoms. A steep descent of 2000 feet brought us down to the ferry on the Salween, which is here a quiet stream 100 yds wide & very deep. The sides of the valley are steep with only narrow patches of alluvial soil bordering the river. We made camp at the ferrymans hut on the east bank, where there were old rice terraces + level land. 
[[circled left]] 18 [[/circled left]] The country looked favorable for collecting so we decided to set our traps. The boatmen said muntjac, otter & peafowl occured here. The ferry consists of a long raft of bamboo poles lashed together by vines & bark. This structure if propelled by shovel like oars which have a square bamboo front & are pulled back toward the boat like a snow shovel which they resem-