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however paid no attention to the insects & I do not think they stung him. The hole however was too deep to be open by his swordlike knive which he used to chop the entrance so he abandoned his attempt to rob them of their store of honey.
[[circled left]] 13 [[/circled left]] During the night it rained hard but stopped at daylight No Liso hunters came owing to cloudy weather so I went out with a mafu at 8 A.M. Soon after we started it began to rain & continued until noon. We tramped for 3 hrs thru a fine forest but owing to rain no gibbons called & nothing could be heard [[strikethrough]] in the [[/strikethrough]] moving owing to noise of rain. I saw a ♂ Silver pheasant at close range but shot over him. One red bellied squirrel was all I bagged. No small mammals were caught by us.
[[circled left]] 14 [[/circled left]] Yesterday we decided to leave for Teng-yueh but in the early morning rain