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The hill country is covered by a bright red soil. Red fields cleared for red rice were seen in many places. This crop is raised without irrigation on hill tops & plains. From where we had tiffin we could see far down the Taiping Valley where the Bhorno road runs. We returned in 1 hour at breakneck speed over a good dirt road & reached Grierson's house at sun-down.
[[circled left]] 23 [[/circled left]] [[strikethrough]] Return [[/strikethrough]] Visited the waterfall at Teng-yueh. It is on the lower or west side of town & is formed by the creek which runs thru the valley dropping over a lava cliff about 50 feet high. The falls spreads out very prettily in spray. Immediately above it is a stone bridge.
[[circled left]] 24 [[/circled left]] At 9 A.M. we left Grierson's house for the goral camp & took a road leading north across the valley & thru a deep valley near the two large conical mtns. At noon we were near