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in fruit.
Recently we have been having boiled bamboo shoots at the table. They are quite unlike our vegetables in taste, possibly nearest the flavor of an artichoke. A common table bird all through Yun-nan is a black skinned chicken. The muscle sheaths thru the whole body are deep black & gives the bird a peculiar appearance but the taste is normal. The actual muscle is white as in fowls generally
The common crop here which I thought was sweet potatoes is really buckwheat. It is grown everywhere on dry hillsides & is used as flour for bread.
[[circled left]] 23 [[/circled left]] As our success was only 2 gorals in 3 days hunt we broke camp this morning & journeyed in to Teng-yueh. The way led down the valley & over a rickety suspension bridge across the Sheveli. The commonest flowering shrub of the roadside