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I hit him thru the shoulder & dropped him dead on the fifth shot.  Then I continued my way down the road to my usual watching place.  Here I saw a party of 3 gorals an old [[symbol: female]] & 2 yearling kids almost equal to her in height.  I shot at her & she ran a few yards on a steep sidehill & stopped.  Then Andrews rolled rocks down from above to frighten them but she only took refuge under an overhanging rock & let the rocks roll by unconcernedly.  One of the kids did likewise & the other which I shot at ran a few yards into a large hole or small cave & completely disappeared.  He did not reappear in the hour & a half we remained watching the cliff. Rolling rocks the gorals understand & know how to seek safety under shelving ledges but shooting is liable to  confuse them but they are learning fast to rush to bush cover at the first