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rim of the cliffs on this the east side.  The villagrs espied a goral resting far below on a boulder under a pine tree.  I hit it the second shot & it [[strikethrough]]f[[/strikethrough]] rolled down out of sight.  They went down & brought it up the steep cliff in a half hour.  The stomach of this animal, which was an old [[symbol: female]] contained alder leaves & twigs but no other material or grass.  The cliff side has many alder trees & alder scrub growing on it making convenient fodder.  The river (Lung Chong) were we hunt gorals [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] runs thru a fault valley or nonconformity.  The east side is limestone, the cliffs being rugged & high with caves in places - the west side of the river is basaltic lava in a series of steep terraces or distinct flows.  Bordering the river edge on this side are basaltic columns in places.  A shot an old [[symbol: female]] goral at dusk.
[[circled]] 3 [[/circled]]  This morning I shot a yg [[symbol: female]] goral on the cliffs after I had