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steel traps set for wild dogs & civet cats (Paradoxurus). It is strange that the 
gorals cliffs where gorals are numerous are not the haunts of leopards & wolves
as well.  Apparently the gorals live here unmolested as no [[strikethrough]] g [[/strikethrough]] dung or tracks of carnivores are to be seen here.  The goral I shot was a yg ♀ with 2 inch horns.  Her stomach was filled chiefly with blades
of green grass & some shrubs. In the afternoon I went out beating for muntjac but flushed nothing.  A collected some 17 bats (large Nycteris) in a cave near the river.
[[circled]] 8 [[/circled]] Set out this morning to hunt serow with 7 men who took me down the river. On leaving the camp I saw a muntjac in a bean field across the valley 300 yds away. I fired & it dropped, shot thru the side. It was a fine ♂ with 
horns in the velvet or rather