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11 Pole-cat.
One skin purchased at Teng yueh
12 Civet - 
Commonest of the civets here
13 Otter
One shot by Albertsen in Teng yueh creek. Found in all large streams sparingly.
14 Gray wolf - 
One seen by former commissioner
Also reported by natives in winter
15. Jackals - 
Natives report them in droves at times. Not seen by customs officers. Irregular visitants
16 Felis (tiger cat) spotted 
Found about Teng yueh
17 Mustela (weasel)
Occurs here also but not abundant.
18 Lepus (Hare)
Found on fern & grass hillsides but not common. One on a days beat is fair success. I shot one at T-y & bought another in the market No others seen.

Transcription Notes:
removed period after market, last line.