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5 E 57th St.
New York 22, November 4th., 1946
Dear F-G,
I am much obliged to you for your cable, received on October 30th., as well as your letter of the 21st of October and your letter of October 18th., and the copy of the 1st er which also reached me.
MRS. WALTER: I've called up Mrs. Walter and she is lunching with me tomorrow.
GEORGES - ARLETTE As regards your friend Georges, who was to marry Arlette, I really can't get over this incredible story, though, of course, I know nothing of the causes, but just the epilogue, which I certainly hope is but a temporary one.
CORRESPONDENCE: Had I received your long-hand note which you tell me you sent with your first copy of the October 18th letter I would, of course, not have cabled. In connection with this letter I want you to know that it reached me by steamer with the indication on the envelope that it was not sent by airmail for lack of the proper postage. 
PRINCESS GOURIELLI: As regards Princess Gourielli, though I have communicated with her I am still without any answer.
PECK: Peck tells me in his letter of October 31st., that my black Savonnerie chair has been returned from Madame Albin. I would like to know from you what you think and what you suggest doing. If the pieces are as beautiful as I think they should be I would prefer you to keep them unmounted until I have had an opportunity of seeing them. 
MADELEINE: Also, in connection with Madeleine, I am of the opinion not to give her any more money (contrary to what I wrote you previously) until she has been able to locate the second silver Legumier, because the story, as related to me, does not make much sense.
SAVONNERIE RUG: As regards the Savonnerie rug, I have been able to locate it, but I am afraid, from what I have been told, that it is in pretty bad condition. However, as per your recommendation, I will take it up with Jacques Helft. 
(Germain Seligman)
Mr. Francois Gerard Seligman
23 Place Vendôme
Paris France