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March 19, 1946

Dear François Gerard:

I am delighted with the purchase of the three cubist paintings and I hope that after we have received them in the very near future we won't keep them for a very long time.

We are in very bad need of buying the two volumes of Zervos in which the PICASSO is reproduced.  If you can buy them cheaper than ^[[$75]] please send the two books over at the first opportunity..  They could be shipped in the case [[strikethrough]] of [[strikethrough]] ^[[with]] the three paintings.

I have to make a correction to my last manuscript letter: that is, instead of "given up", please read "given away".  I am sure you understood although it is nice and funny.

[[underline]] Handwritten- [[/underline]]

Nous avons dans notre bibliotheque le volume l: oeuvres de 1896 à 1908.  Nous désirons le suite.  Aux derniers nouvelles les dessins du Bundler sont chez Helft.  Il n'y aurait rien d'ètonnant à'ce que celui-ci ait nègocie ce transfer pendant son sejour recent a Paris.  Etant donnêlles vieux lieus Byk - Helft (H. avait so stock déposé chez Byk avant so arrivée ici et a eu un bureau chez Byk avant de j'     aller)  il n'est pas etonnait que Byk ait eu en conjuction (des dessins) de Bundler dans le cas ou le huit ci-dessus serait exact.

Aux derniere nouvelles Byk serait a nouveau tres malade?

Bien affectueusement
