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March 13th., 1946.

Dear F-G:

Yesterday afternoon, Tuesday March 12th., around 2: o'clock, Byk called me up to say he had received photographs which were intended for me and that I was requested to cable you whether I was interested in purchasing the items shown. I had the photographs around 3: o'clock, and a little bit before 5: I sent you my cable, whereupon I got your cable asking me for an immediate answer as regards the cubist paintings.  I want to assure you that if there has been any delay along the line, it cannot be blamed upon me.

Now I do want you to know how much I appreciate your sending me the photographs of these three paintings, and by my cable you gathered how keenly interested I am in purchasing them, even at the price of 80,000., for the three, should you not be able to get them at a lower figure.

However, there are a couple of points which you did not elaborate upon and which do need elucidation:  How do you and Armand want to be interested in this deal?.. and any suggestion that you will make will be, I feel certain, agreeable to me. Then, how about payment? It would be very pleasant if you could take care of it for the time being at least, as of course bye and by it would have to be settled.  Then comes the question of shipping.  I am wondering, in view of the fact that the New York season ends so very early, whether the best way of handling it would not be by shipping them by plane, without frames, one by one - in other words, on three different planes, provided of course, that the cost is not fact, if you hesitate, why don't you cable me in this respect, or perhaps send by plane the painting which you marked"No.1" on the photo, as in order of interest I mostly care for "1", then for "2" and then for "3".

I have asked you also in the cable, which I realize was probably superfluous, to make sure not only of the authenticity, but of the bona fide ownership since 1939, as I wouldn't be surprised if at the Custom's we were requested to give such proof.  If further you can let me know where they were reproduced, exhibited, etc., as you know, that would be helpful.

Byk also sent me the photograph of our Philippe de LaSalle screen, as well as the one of the Bandinus. He told me he was not interested in purchasing them.  I must say I don't understand the idea which prompted you and Armand to send photographs of such items to Byk, but surmise it answered some purpose.  Byk also told me he received photographs of other items and had made an offer on one of them, but he didn't show me those and discreet as I always am, I didn't ask him to show them to me.

Affectionately yours,

Mr. Francois Gerard Seligmann,
23 Place Vendôme,
Paris, France.    (Germain Seligman)