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December 20, 1945

Dear Francois:

I was yesterday in Philadelphia where I saw again the amazing ensemble of Daumier, Corot, Delacroix, etc., which reminded me of the Esnault-Pelletiere collection. I had not thought to place them on the list I sent you recently, but I will be thankful to you if you could contact that family and see if they wouldn't be in the mood to sell one thing or another.

Earnest Maus died about two months ago. I wanted you to know because something might move there, though I do not believe it, as he died with the reputation of being one of the richest men of his town, and that, as you know, his family will be very much attached to what he left.

 ^[[Just had a letter from Ednire: she inquires about you. Her maman is very ill]]

Mrs. Leroux came for lunch today and spoke about a brother-in-law, Michel Beurdeley, the husband of one of her sisters who had started to learn the business with a Commissaire Priseur. He lives at 7 Rue Daubigny. I understand that that young man now deals in art. You could see him and maybe work with him. 

Germain would like you to be kind enough to send us the following book published by the Bureau International D'Edition and De Publication, 12 rue de la Victoire - REPETOIRE GENERALE DES BEAUX ARTS, LES VENTES PUBLICQUES EN FRANCE; the latest edition, which I suppose covers 1945. 

Geffroy paid me a lengthy visit and we had lunch together. I am going to see him again. I suppose that nothing positive will mature. We get on as well as we did. He is more proustian than ever, and besides, he came here for business that I suppose you know of. Dressed up dolls, perfect. 

I had [[strikethrough]]Carlhian [[/strikethrough]] for lunch the day before yesterday. The youngest son of [[strikethrough]]his[[/strikethrough]]^[[Carlhian, he]] is a good-looking, well-educated, good-mannered boy. This is an opportunity for you to take up the contact with his Papa. Should this be agreeable to you you can tell him that I found his offspring charming. The boy is in Harvard to study architecture. He is about twenty-four. From what I understand, the family business should still be prosperous in its way.. I remind you that just before the war, Carlhian has come to us to suggest that we become his dealers; I mean that we would be the dealers to whom he would send his clients and from whom he would buy. 

The following is of [[underline]]highest [[/underline]] importance: Please keep us posted about the variations of prices in the market in France, mainly [[strikethrough],[[/strikethrough]]for pictures old and modern. I heard that there has been a frightful slump in the prices. An economist friend of mine considers that due to circumstances the prices of works of art and paintings should slump enormously during the coming year inside of France. 

Thanking you beforehand,

[[handwritten mark or initial]]