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May 28, 1947

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

In view of certain questions raised recently by our insurers, Mr. Germain has requested me, being in charge of such matters in New York, to write to you for information in order to bring all my records up to date.

As you know, a certain number of items, the property of

Mr. Germain Seligmen, personal
Jacques Seligmenn & Co., Inc., New York
Former Jacques Seligmann & Fils, Germain Seligmann & Cie.,
Succ'rs en Liquidation
Former Jacques Seligmann & Fils, G. Seligmann & Cie., S.A.
Succ'rs en Liquidation
Former G. Seligmann & Cie., S.A. Geneva

are consigned to your firm.

Would you be good enough to advise me of the actual name of your company, its legal status, whether corporation, partnership, etc., and whether such items are kept at your premises and/or what other locations?

Thanking you for your cooperation,

Very truly yours,

(O. A. Liechti)

Mr. Armand Seligmann
23 Place Vendome