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30th July 1933. A warm day, rain in early morning, fine in middle part, gale from SE in afternoon & thick rain at 6.0 PM, after which gale moderated.
Did not collect in morning: went to Trawallua in aft.

Trawallua, Co. SL., as on previous day. 3.0 till 6.0 PM. Gale made collection very difficult & all taken by sweeping.
[[underlined]] Bethylus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]], with short wings (? = "[[underlined]] syngenesiae [[/underlined]]" [[cf?]], Hal. ms.)
Phaeogenes ? 1 [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] Dicaelotus [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]] Exolytus - 2 [[2 male symbols]].
Cryptids 4 [[2 male symbols]].
Pimpla [[underlined]] spuria [[/underlined]] ? 1 small heavily sculptured [[male symbol]]. [[underlined]] Acrodactyla degener [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Phytodictus [[/underlined]] - 1 [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] Mesoleptus prosoleucus [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Mesoleius [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Perilissus [[/underlined]] ? small testaceous [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Promethes cognatus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]], 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Homocidus longiventris [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] ^ ? [[/insertion]] 1 [[male symbol]]. [[underlined]] H. [[bizonarius?]] 1 [[female symbol]] (?)
[[underlined]] Stenomacrus [[/underlined]] sp 1 [[male symbol]]. [[underlined]] Plectiscus [[/underlined]] ??. 2 [[2 female symbols]], carded.
[[underlined]] Microbracon [[/underlined]] 3 exx ? 3 spp! (1 [[male symbol]], 2 [[2 female symbols]]).
[[underlined]] Blacus [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[Microgustis?]] [[/underlined] 1 ex.  Apanteles 3 exx.
[[underlined]] Alysia tipulae [[/underlined]] ? 2 [[2 male symbols]] [[underlined]] Phaenocarpa ruficeps [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]].
[[underlined]] Opius [[/underlined]] 7 ex : including 2 large [[2 female symbols]] (? n. sp.)
O sp. [[male symbol]] (? [[underlined]] comatus [[/underlined]] Werm.) 
[[underlined]] Biosteres carbonarius [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]. [[underlined]] Zele testaceator [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]].

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


30.7.33 cont. Trawallua, Co. SL. cont.
[[underlined]] Aspilota [[/underlined]] (very small) 1 [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] Coelinius elegans [[/underlined]] ? 2 small [[2 male symbols]].
[[underlined]] Ephidrus [[/underlined]]  [[underlined]] Aphidius [[/underlined]] 
Prostes 8 spp. including :-

[[underlined]] Oxylabis [[/underlined]] sp. [[male symbol]] (t. Nixon).
[[underlined]] Conostigmus [[/underlined]] sp.  1 [[male symbol]], 3 [[2 female symbols]] on one card. [[underlined]] Teleas [[/underlined]] sp. (t. Nixon]].
Chalcid. 1
[[line across page]]

31st July 1933. Gale all day, after terrific gale & rain all previous night. Nixon left for London by 3.15 PM. train. Did not collect all day, though not raining in afternoon.
Heavy seas :. moderating in afternoon

[[line across page]]

1st August 1933.  Still stormy, with rising glass & some rain in morning, but clearing about 11.0 AM. & gloriously fine till 4.30 PM when wind backed to S. & misty rain came on for night. Very warm.
Spent an hour in morning along left bank of R. Drowes at Bundrowes, Co. LE., above road, sweeping & using the new vacuum collector given me by Nixon. In the afternoon drove to Bunduff & collected around lough &c.  

Transcription Notes:
Trawallua, County Sligo, Ireland Unsure if it's [[cf?]] although it looks like it & similar to prev. pages. Can't confirm Homocidus [[bizonarsus?]] Can't confirm [[Microgustis?]] -@siobhanleachman Near the bottom of page 2 I changed "Dundrowes, Co. LE" to "Bundrowes, Co. LE"--thomasc Added in a missing [[/underlined]] - @siobhanleachman