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22nd April 1934 cont.
Oak wood at Clara, &c, Co. WI., cont.
[ [[male symbol]] ick seen on dead birch log at 2, but missed, very like a [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] Xylonomus irrogator [[/underlined]], but date very early.]

Campoplegids. 2 at 1, rest at 2.

[[underlined]] Plectiscius [[/underlined]]  [[female symbol]] at 2.
[[underlined]] Hemiteles [[/underlined]] ? spp.  at 2.

[[underlined]] Bracon [[/underlined]] (cf. variegator) 1 [[female symbol]] beaten off ivy, another [[female symbol]] off hazel just coming into leaf.

[ [[underlined]] Aspilota "nigrescens" [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] AWS. 4.1.33! [[/insertion]] 1 [[female symbol]] at 1.]
2 Proctos at 2.
1 Chalcid at 2.
1 reddish Cynipid at 1.

[[underlined]] Bombylius major [[/underlined]], the first Irish specimen I have seen, beaten off birch in [[underlined]] Osmunda [[/underlined]] glade at 2.
Peacock Butterfly seen at 1.
Only one Chiff-chaff heard (at 2).

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23rd April 1934. A wretched day after a fine night & glorious morning, with rain from 1.30 onwards after arrival of a "noonday depression."
Drove Rev. Gregg & his son Noel, also E. OM., to Emo Park, Q Co, where Rev. P.G. Kennedy, S.J. now in charge of Jesuit College for novitiates.
As the Greggs were only interested in conchology I stopped at all canals &c, & so spent 2 hours near Woodbrook House, close to Mountmellick canal, Q Co. Here took & gave to Greggs many [[underlined]] Acanthinula lamellata [[/underlined]] & one white [[underlined]] Acicula lineata [[/underlined]], the latter under a sunk stone. Amongst beech leaves E. OM. took one [[female symbol]] ick - Diaparsis ? sp. ?
Spent some time in rain going round the grounds at Emo Court & lake & saw some promising bits of collecting ground, stumps, glades &c.
In canal just S.W. of Monasterevan, Co. KD. dredged from the Barrow canal one specimen of the rare beetle [[underlined]] Haemonia appendiculata [[/underlined]], only previously recorded apparently from two places (Du. & ME.) in the Royal Canal. 
[[side note]] Willow Warbler heard at Emo Park. [[/side note]]

Transcription Notes:
Managed to solve some [[?]]. Also see this for Xylonomus genus [[Plectiscius?]] may be misspelling of Plectiscidea -@siobhanleachman that was my theory on Plectiscius too, so I'm willing to un-bracket it -@meg_shuler