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13/5/34 cont. Clara, WI., cont.
[[underlined]] Empria immersa [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] off [[underlined]] Salix [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Pontania  [[/underlined]] sp. ? [[2 male symbols]] & [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Pontania leucosticta [[/underlined]] ? [[2 male symbols]] & [[female symbol]] beaten off [[underlined]] Salix [[/underlined]] (3 [[2 male symbols]] sent to Saunt)
[[underlined]] Euura [[/underlined]] spp. [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] : 1 [[male symbol]] & 1 [[female symbols]] of these seem possibly distinct & may be the two specimens referred to below [[arrow pointing to below note]]
Two small specimens like [[underlined]] Pontania [[/underlined]] beaten off mt. ash below sand flat.

[[underlined]] Dryinids [[/underlined]] 2 spp. [[2 male symbols]] beaten off birch, &c

[[underlined]] Phaeogenos [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]] beaten (cf. [[underlined]] [[subulifer?]] [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] fulvitarsis [[/underlined]])

Cryptids 4 [[2 male symbols]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


13.5.34 cont. Clara, WI., cont.
[[underlined]] Tryphonid [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] = [[underlined]] Euxesta albitarsis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. [[/insertion]] black, red abdomen, interstitial areolas were beaten off birch in in Ormunda glade; resemble [[underlined]] Proterops [[/underlined]]! = [[underlined]] Euceros albitarsus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] (AWS.) 26/9/34.
[[underlined]] Grypocentrus basalis Ruthi ? [[underlined]] 1 [[female symbols]]
[[underlined]] Enochus [[/underlined]] sp. ?  [[underlined]] Stenomacrus [[/underlined]] cf. [[underlined]] ridibundus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Orthocentrus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] (cf [[underlined]] frontator [[/underlined]]?).
[[underlined]] Pimpla angens [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]]. [[underlined]] P. brevicornis [[/underlined]] ? 1 small [[female symbol]] [[arrow pointing to "banded hind tibea" comment below]] ?
[[underlined]] Pimpla inquisitor [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] frequent, 1 [[female symbol]] beaten of birch in glade
P. sp. [[insertion]] ^ = despositor Forst.? [[/insertion]] what [[Lund?]] to call "inquisitor") 1 [[female symbol]] : at Salix!
P. sp. [[insertion]] = P. [[underlined]] micrum [[/underlined]] ? [[/insertion]] like small [[underlined]] [[bresciorium?]], but banded hind tibea: beaten 2 [[2 female symbols]] at Salix.
P. ? small [[male symbol]], black hind femora, same as one named [[underlined]] vesicaria [[/underlined]] by J.F.P. but in my opinion not [[underlined]] vesicaria [[/underlined]]! A.W.S. 21.9.34.
[[underlined][ Stilbops [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]]  Ischnocnemis [[/underlined]] [[seticornous?]] ? [[/strikethrough]] Xylonomus praecatorius 1 [[male symbol]] beaten in Osmunda glade. In Oct 1938 I discovered to my surprise that this [[male symbol]] should be referred to [[underlined]] Xylonomus praecatorius [[/underlined]] & that the two [[2 male symbols]] are very much alike superficially! A.W.S.
[[underlined]] [[Anomalous?]] [[/underlined]] { ? small [[Aphaxistes?]] armatus. [[male symbol]] beaten of birch in Ormunda glade.
[[underlined]] Mesochorus [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbols]] (? 2 spp.)
Campoplegids [[insertion]] - 6 exx. [[/insertion]] all beaten near Ormunda glade, except 1 [[male symbol]] taken near Garryduff cross roads in morning! 

Transcription Notes:
Can't work out some words on middle of second page. Am unsure of Pimpla [[bresciorium?]], Ischnocnemis [[seticornous?]] & [[Aphaxistes?]] armatus. -@siobhanleachman At top of 2nd page, I changed "black red abdomen, interstitial areolas nerve beaten off bitch in" to "black, red abdomen, interstitial areolas were beaten off birch in". The comma between "black" and "red" looks like it might be the "t" in "bitch", but I think it is a comma that landed on top of an "r" and I read "birch".--thomasc