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[[boxed]] With RCLP's letter dated 29.1.34 1 [[/boxed]]
Blüthgen's table of those difficult [[2 female symbols]].
18 2nd & 3rd tergite at the sides without a dark mark.
"Stutz" (i.e. the vertical posterior face of propodeum, from the petiole to the apex of the anterior area) without a sharp angled margin, the sides being rounded. Mesonotum feebly [[strikethrough]] mod [[/strikethrough]] finely, moderately remotely to rather closely punctured, in front more closely than on the disc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19

2nd & 3rd tergite at the sides (where they meet the sternites) at the extreme base (often covered by the preceding segment) with a small dull brown or black spot. "Stutz" more or less sharply margined or at least angled, the sides not rounded. 
Punctures of mesonotum stronger, when [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] they are very remote, in front not closer than on the disc - - - -. 20.

19. Stouter & usually darker; 1st to 3rd seg. dark red. Tergites 2-4 at the base more clearly & [[insertion]] ^ more [[/insertion]] extensively punctured with slight [[regulosity?]] & more shining. Propodeum dull, rougher with more distinct though feebler sculpture. Wings browner. Pygidial area vy narrow, reddish. 6 alar hooks; 6-8 mm. - - - - - - [[underlined]] ferruginatus [[/underlined]]

More slender & generally smaller. 1st to 3rd seg. yellowish red. Segment 2 & 3 at the base, 4 more extensively rufulose, [[insertion]] ^ for [[/insertion]] the rest strongly shining without or almost without punctures. 
"Stutz & seitenfelder" of propodeum ([[image - insect segment with "seitenfelder", "stutz", and "abd. insertion" labeled]]) with a distinct, but moderately strong polish (or shine) The latter (i.e. 'seitenfelder') sometimes entirely smooth or with scattered & remote, fine & feeble wrinkles; the 'Stutz' with more or less remote elevations 
Pygidial area as in [[underlined]] ferruginatus [[/underlined]]. Alar hooks 5-6.. Length 5-6 mm. -. [[underlined]] hyalinatus [[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
A loose page, also shown in image 29. Reviewed. Confirmed several [[?]] and edited markup to make consistent with rest of this and previous Stelfox projects -@siobhanleachman